Privacy Policy

Dear Users,

DeusWallet Company ("Company", "we", "us", or "our") values and respects your privacy. This Privacy Policy ("Policy") outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and process your Personal Information when you access or use our website and mobile applications ("Applications") and services. By providing us with your Personal Information, you consent to our collection, use, disclosure, and processing of your Personal Information as described in this Policy. If you do not agree with this Policy, please do not provide any Personal Information to us and refrain from using our Applications.

We recommend that you carefully read and understand the entire contents of this Policy prior to using the Applications. Important information, including the Disclaimer, is highlighted in bold throughout this Policy. Definitions of key words in this Policy are consistent with those provided in the DeusWallet Terms of Service. In the event of any discrepancy between the definitions used in this Policy and the DeusWallet Terms of Service, the definitions in this Policy shall prevail.

Please note that we reserve the right to update this Policy periodically without prior notice. The revised Policy will become effective and replace previous versions once it is posted on our Applications. The revised Policy will apply to Personal Information provided to us previously. If you do not agree with the revised Policy, please cease using the Applications immediately. Your continued use of our Applications will be considered as acceptance of the revised policy.

1. Information We Collect

  1. We collect Personal Information, such as mobile device information, operation records, transaction records, and wallet addresses.
  2. We may also collect additional Personal Information, including but not limited to your name, bank card number, telephone number, and email address, in order to fulfill specific service requests or needs.
  3. You confirm that your Wallet Password, Private Key, Mnemonic Words, and Keystore are not stored or synchronized on our servers. We do not offer a service to recover or retrieve such information.
  4. We may request additional Personal Information to enable specific functions of the Applications. Your refusal to provide requested Personal Information may limit your access to certain functions of the Applications.
  5. In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, we may collect and use Personal Information without prior consent or authorization in the following circumstances:
    • Information related to national security and defense.
    • Information related to public security, public health, and significant public interests.
    • Information related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and enforcement.
    • Personal Information that is publicly available.
    • Personal Information obtained from legally disclosed sources, such as legal news reports and government information.
    • Personal Information necessary to maintain the security and compliance of our services, such as detecting and resolving product and service malfunctions.
    • Other circumstances permitted by laws and regulations.
  1. We collect Personal Information through various methods:
    • When you provide us with your Personal Information for any reason.
    • When you authorize us to obtain your Personal Information from a third party.
    • When you register for a user account on our Applications.
    • When you contact us or interact with our employees through various communication channels.
    • When you transact with us, contact us, or request to be included in our mailing list.
    • When we copy all or part of your transaction records on the blockchain. However, for the latest transaction records, please refer to the blockchain system.
  2. Our Applications may use technologies that collect Personal Information as described in this Policy or the applicable terms and conditions.
  3. Your provision of Personal Information is voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw your consent to use your Personal Information at any time. However, if you choose not to provide the required Personal Information, it may limit your access to the Applications and our ability to contact you or provide products and services.
  4. In certain circumstances, you may provide us with the Personal Information of other individuals. In such cases, you warrant that you have informed them of the purposes for collecting their Personal Information and obtained their consent for disclosure to us. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims by such individuals related to our collection, use, and disclosure of their Personal Information in accordance with this Policy.
  5. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the Personal Information you provide to us. Please inform us of any changes to your Personal Information.

2. How We Use Your Information

We collect, use, or disclose your Personal Information for the following purposes: 1.1 Providing products and/or services that you request. 1.2 Managing your relationship with us. 1.3 Facilitating your use of our Applications. 1.4 Associating you with your wallet using the unique serial number of your mobile device. 1.5 Sending important notifications, such as software updates and changes to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. 1.6 Assisting with your enquiries, feedback, complaints, and requests using the Wallet Address and mobile device information provided by you. 1.7 Notifying you about our products, services, programs, and events. 1.8 Resolving disputes and investigating complaints or suspected illegal or unlawful activities. 1.9 Conducting internal audits, data analysis, and research. 1.10 Tracking user behavior to improve our Applications. 1.11 Complying with legal obligations and cooperating with regulatory authorities. 1.12 Complying with international sanctions and applicable regulations for securities, and preventing money laundering or financing of terrorism. 1.13 Enforcing our obligations and contractual terms and conditions. 1.14 Any other reasonable purposes related to the above.

We offer the option of using "Touch ID/Face ID" in the "Settings" column of DeusWallet to provide easy management of your digital Tokens.

We offer the "Payment without Password" option in DeusWallet, which securely stores your Wallet Password in the Keychain/Keystore of your mobile device. This function utilizes biological identification (Touch ID or Face ID) for quick payment and signature authentication during transactions.

3. How You Control Your Own Information

You have the right to control your Personal Information provided to DeusWallet. Here are the ways in which you can exercise this control:

  1. Importing and exporting wallets:
    • You can synchronize and import your other wallets into DeusWallet, and export your wallets from DeusWallet to other token management wallets. Information about imported wallets will be displayed to you.
  2. Managing Tokens:
    • You have the ability to add or delete Tokens, as well as transfer and collect Tokens using the "Assets" column.
  3. Profile settings:
    • In the "Profile" column of DeusWallet, you have the following options:
    • In the "Settings" column, you can choose not to enable "Touch ID/Face ID" verification.
    • In the "Feedback" column, you can submit questions or suggestions to improve our services.
  4. Payment without Password:
    • You have the choice to enable or disable the "Payment without Password" feature in DeusWallet. This feature utilizes Touch ID or Face ID for authentication during transactions.
  5. Public nature of transaction records:
    • You should be aware that transaction records on the blockchain are public and transparent.
  6. Third-Party Services:
    • Our Applications may contain links to third-party websites, applications, or Smart Contracts. Please note that this Privacy Policy only applies to our Applications, and when using Third-Party Services, the DeusWallet Terms of Service and Privacy Policy will no longer apply. Please review the privacy policies and related terms of service of those third-party services.
  7. Updating, revising, and deleting Personal Information:
    • You have the right to request updates, revisions, or deletions of your Personal Information, as well as the withdrawal of any consent you have provided. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, or if you do not accept any amendments to this Policy, please contact us at [email protected].
  8. Request fees and response time:
    • We may charge a fee for responding to your requests for access to your Personal Information or for providing information about how your Personal Information has been used. We will inform you of the fee amount in advance and respond to your request after payment is received. We will strive to respond to your requests within 30 days, or we will inform you of the expected response time if it exceeds 30 days.
  9. Impact on products and services:
    • Please note that in some cases, it may not be possible for us to continue serving you or provide certain products and services if you do not provide the required Personal Information or withdraw your consent for its use and disclosure.

4. Information We May Share or Transfer

  • 4.1 Retention of Personal Information:
    • We will retain your Personal Information for as long as we need it for our business and legal purposes.
  • 4.2 No sale or trade of Personal Information:
    • We do not sell, trade, or transfer your Personal Information to third parties without your consent.
  • 4.3 Disclosure to strategic business partners and associates:
    • If you have given your consent, we may disclose your Personal Information to our strategic business partners and associates. They will only use your Personal Information for the purposes you have consented to.
  • 4.4 Disclosure to third parties:
    • We may disclose or share your Personal Information with third parties, such as service providers, data processors, consultants, and professional advisors, who work on our behalf or provide services to us. These third parties will only use your Personal Information for the purposes outlined in this Policy.
  • 4.5 International transfer of Personal Information:
    • If we need to transfer your Personal Information to another country, we will obtain your prior consent and ensure that the recipient protects your Personal Information to the same standard as we do. We will enter into legally enforceable agreements with the recipients in countries without comparable data protection laws.
  • 4.6 Exceptions to consent requirement:
    • We may disclose or transfer your Personal Information without your prior consent under the following circumstances:
    • The Personal Information is publicly disclosed by you.
    • The Personal Information is collected from legally disclosed public sources, such as lawfully reported news, government disclosures, and other channels.
    • To comply with applicable laws, regulations, legal procedures, or requests from administrative or judicial authorities, or to enforce our Policy or protect our or others' rights, property, or safety.
    • In the event of a merger or acquisition where the transfer of Personal Information is involved, we may require the recipients to continue to adhere to this Policy.

5. How We Protect Your Information

We utilize Automatic Data Collection Technologies on our Applications, which may include the following:

  • 5.1 Cookies:
    • We may use cookies on our Applications. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your browser or device. These cookies may track information such as the number of users, their frequency of use, user profiles, and online preferences. Cookies do not personally identify you, but they assist us in analyzing the usage of our Applications and improving your online experience. You can disable cookies by adjusting your browser settings, but please note that this may impact the functionality of the Applications.
  • 5.2 Web analytics:
    • Web analytics is a method used to collect and analyze visitor behavior on websites and mobile applications. This involves analyzing traffic patterns to determine the frequency of visits to specific parts of a website or mobile application, as well as identifying the most popular information and services among visitors. Our Applications may utilize web analytics services provided by third-party service providers.

6. How We Protect Your Information

  • 6.1 Ceasing operation:
    • In the event that the Company ceases operation, we will stop collecting your Personal Information and take necessary steps to delete or anonymize your Personal Information within a reasonable timeframe.
  • 6.2 Data security measures:
    • We implement data security techniques and strive to improve internal compliance levels to protect your Personal Information.
    • We provide security training to our staff to ensure they understand the importance of protecting your Personal Information.
    • We assign security authority for access to relevant data to limit access and protect your Personal Information.
  • 6.3 Information security messages and updates:
    • We will communicate important information about information security through the "Notifications" column of our Applications.
    • We will also provide articles and updates related to the use of wallets and information protection in the "Support" column of our Applications for your reference.

7. Protection for Minors

The Company acknowledges the need to provide special protection for minors who are under the age of 18 years old. The following provisions apply to minors:

  • 7.1 Guidance for minors:
    • Minors should not use DeusWallet without the guidance and supervision of their parents or guardians.
  • 7.2 Responsibility of parents/guardians:
    • It is the responsibility of parents or guardians to provide guidance to minors on the use of DeusWallet. This includes reading and understanding this Policy, DeusWallet Terms of Service, and other relevant rules.
  • 7.3 Confidentiality and security:
    • The Company will ensure the confidentiality and security of Personal Information belonging to minors in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

8. Disclaimer

  • 8.1 Third-Party Service:
    • After you use Third-Party Service, this Policy no longer applies to the collection, use, disclosure, and transfer of your Personal Information by these third parties. The Company cannot guarantee that these third parties will implement reasonable security measures to protect your Personal Information.
  • 8.2 Responsibility for Third-Party Service:
    • You are solely responsible for your use of Third-Party Service and agree not to hold the Company liable for any damages or injuries arising from the collection, use, disclosure, and transfer of your Personal Information by these third parties.
  • 8.3 Limitation of Liability:
    • You acknowledge and accept that the Company will take measures as reasonably as possible to protect your Personal Information, but we cannot guarantee the absolute privacy and security of wireless internet data transfers or the prevention of disclosure, tampering, or damage to information. The Company provides these measures on an "as is", "as available", and "with all faults" basis.

9. Miscellaneous

  • 9.1 Effective Date:
    • This Policy shall become effective on November 30, 2023.
  • 9.2 Updates and Announcements:
    • For any matters not addressed in this Policy, you are required to comply with the announcements and relevant rules as updated by the Company from time to time.